'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.'

-C.G. Jung

Your unconscious mind determines the majority (more than 95%) of your thoughts, ways of being, ways of relating & limitations.

Your unconscious mind is the automated operating system of YOU.

It operates your body, heart, gut, nervous system (all of your systems),


Your unconscious mind determines the WAY you experience life, mostly without your conscious awareness or input.

It’s all based on the data that is stored in the operating system.

(mostly downloaded in childhood)

We are simply living out the compensating strategies we have unconsciously created.

In order to stay ‘SAFE’.

What's safe to our unconscious mind is VERY different to what's safe to our conscious mind.

This is why we often feel at war with ourselves.

Fortunately, we’ve discovered that we can change it.


Life is too short to stay stuck…

Working only with the conscious mind (the part we're aware of - the thinky think part) is the long SLOOOOWWWW road to freedom.

Understanding our unconscious mind & learning how to navigate it IS the game changer.

You’re not as f*cked as you think you are.

Your unconscious mind is a perfectly adaptive system & whatever program you’re currently running, regardless of how shit it feels or how it's currently playing out, WAS actually helpful at some point & played an important role. Your unconscious doesn’t yet know it's no longer helpful.

The mind is not our enemy, it’s just that no one taught us how to navigate it or how to upgrade the programs. I can’t wait to share this with you.

I made this clip 6yrs ago, so my understanding has evolved but it’s still a great way to get the gist of how things work.


Utilising an integration of advanced techniques in rapid change work, incorporating the latest research in neuroscience & mind/body connection. And then, teaching you navigational skills for the conscious mind ie how to manage your ‘thinking’ to get out of your head & create a life you love.

I’m a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist - RTT®, PSYCH-K® Facilitator & Mindset Coach. I’m constantly researching neuroscience, therapies/modalities & all forms of change work.

I'll never stop learning.

I’ve been working with the unconscious mind for over a decade & recently my understanding has EXPLODED. 

I mean like outta the ball park type explosion!!!

I now understand EXACTLY why/how the various modalities I have utilised have been effective & why sometimes they aren’t. 

I now understand WHY/HOW the methodology I created intuitively is so effective *F.R.E.E Thyself.

I use to rely on modalities & I trusted them because they worked very well. 

When you know why/how something is working, & the meta patterns behind change, the possibilities are endless.

As are the life-changing results.

For me, true freedom is in knowing & loving your WHOLE self - the beauty & the hideousness - ALL of it.

We are all, all kinds of contradictions & paradoxes. I'm curious & delighted by my own & yours.

Let's UNLAYER together & UPGRADE.

Ready to begin?

Choose a path that feels right for you…

The podcast is free.

The Free Thyself Master Class is $47.

Working with me privately is $888 for 30 Days of personalised UPGRADE.

I don’t want to just help you get past the ‘issue’ that has brought you to my website.

I want to teach you HOW to


Learning what it is to be the CAPTAIN of your SHIP.

Foundations of ‘The Work’